BMA approves development contract for phase one of TraVure Project

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Published:  Tuesday, August 23, 2016 12:57 PM CDT
Jim Brock

The Board of Mayor and Aldermen on Monday night approved the project development contract for phase one of the TraVure Project, a $90 million development just east of the Poplar Avenue and Kirby Parkway intersection.

The 10-acre site, located at the 6700 block of Poplar Avenue, is a multi-phased, mixed-use development including a hotel, a five-story office building, a retail center and a parking garage.

The property was rezoned from OG-1, Old Germantown District to T-4R and T-5 districts as part of the Western Gateway Small Area Plan rezoning in October 2014. Gill Properties is the project developer.

Phase one includes internal private streets — TraVure Drive and TraVure West Drive — and associated grading, water and sewer lines, a landscaping buffer, a separation fence and “other associated infrastructure,” said Cameron Ross, the city’s economic and community development director.

Nearby residents have scrutinized the development since its inception, but concessions made by the developer have brought it to a point where moving forward is now a reality.

“We have spoken about TraVure at length with this board, but we are now here ... to get started on the project,” Ross said.

Alderman Forrest Owens on Tuesday morning said negotiating with the developer and the neighborhood has been “a challenge at best,” but he is happy to see the TraVure Project moving forward.

“After the first initial submittal, and second and third, we began to come up with something that was a true mixed-use development that provided public art, walkability and on-street parking — and some green space too.

“I just felt like we asked them to give and give and give, and finally, after so many times, they were able to compromise.

“I’m happy for it to become a tremendous boom for our economic development,” he added. “We need it there, especially at that western gateway where we’re trying to promote greater density to get some more tax revenue on the books.

“Once it’s all said and done, I think people will be really happy with what they’ve done, and that will be the catalyst for additional development in our western gateway.”

Before the vote was taken, Owens thanked Brown Gill of Gill Properties for working with the city and nearby residents.

“I hope you remember that comment when we start the phase four process, which we haven’t even seen, which will have more interaction with the adjacent property to the west,” Gill said.


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